New Champions!
We were training some of our boys for upcoming dog shows, and here are the three we have championed this year! My daughter also loved...
Raising dogs may sound easy, but if you're doing it right it is even harder than you think. There is nothing more taxing and rewarding than raising dogs, and with enough ethical dog breeders and awareness, maybe all dogs born in the USA could have an amazing birthhome.
New Champions!
More Dog Show Training
Continuing Education Units
Dachshund Through the Snow
Sweet Potato Chews
Dog Nose Frida
More Playtime
Poop Patrol
Getting Ready for the Next Dog Show
Ready for Kiddie Pools
Taylor Swift Retires
Alexander The Great Retired
Improved Weather; Projects Begin
Snuffle Mats
Canine Care Certified Renewal
Blue Ribbon Breeder